Confidential Client – Structural Steel Repair – 2018
Location: New Mexico
Matrix Service performed recommended repairs throughout the property initially inspected by third party engineering firm in order to provide a safe work environment for employees and contractors for a major international copper producer. Items were prioritized by high, moderate and low significance in regards to safety and structural performance. MSI has successfully completed 182 items on the Structural Repair Report.
Specific findings were in the following areas:
• Concentrator Area
• Mill Area Tanks
• Filter and Blending Plant
• Acid Unloading Area
• Hydromat Area (Tank House & Tank Farm)
items on the Structural Repair Report.
commitment to safety
incident safety culture
Scope of Work
- Clean and paint various structures throughout the facilities as an anti-corrosion method
- Repair or replace any damaged steel compromising the structural integrity due to ongoing corrosion
- Provide assistance with preventative maintenance as necessary per client request
- Successfully coordinated repairs with mine engineering/maintenance during ongoing production operations